FSA (now FCA) – United Kingdom
Analytics and Risk Technology Project. Architected and worked on building a Financial Risk Analytic Platform to integrate data, tools and analytic financial risk models using a virtual client and server environment. This was to begin enforcing the new Intensive and Intrusive Financial regulation process and to manage Firms Financial portfolios and monitor all the various forms of Risk. Building blocks were wide and varied from simple open source to expensive COTS products. e.g. Subversion, Java code, JBoss App Server, Excel, JSPWiki, Apache, Oracle 10g, Eclipse, Perl, C++ with Analytic tools such as MatLab, SAS, Mathematica, Algorithmics. Also R language, Nigem, RATS/CATS, eViews, etc. Used TOAD, Sparx Enterprise Architect (UML and Archimate) with others to follow as the FSA evolve their ideas in an Agile and iterative manner. Used VMWare ESX 4.0 for Red Hat Linux as well as Windows Servers and clients.
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