Data Fabric Framework – Archimate 3.0 model
I happened upon a really great Data Fabric model done by Alan McSweeney and thought it would be useful to have this Data Fabric Framework in modelled Archimate 3.0.
Original Data Fabric model
Alan kindly sent me the original to look at in more detail and be able to cut and paste quicker. He gave me permission to convert it and even collaborate on making it it better in the process.
Archimate Data Fabric (high level) model
This is a high level view of the various components necessary for a holistic Data Fabric framework. We have a more detailed model for each of these component packages in each of the sections below.
Archimate Data Fabric (more detailed) model
This model is the A0 sized page that contains all the information needed. Each of the packages in this model, are modelled separately in the sections below with the same names as the fabric component name.
Fabric Component 01 – External Interacting Parties model
These are the range of external parties that supply data to and access data from the enterprise.
Fabric Component 02 – External Party Interaction Zones, Applications, Channels and Facilities model
These are the set of applications and data interface and exchange points provided specifically to External Interacting Parties to allow them supply data to and access data from the enterprise. These can be hosted internally or externally or a mix of both.
Fabric Component 03 – External Party Interaction Zones Data Stores model
These are applications and sets of data created by the enterprise to be externally facing where external parties can access information and interact with the enterprise.
Fabric Component 04 – External Third Party Applications model
These are third-party applications (such as social media platforms) that contain information about the enterprise or that are used by the enterprise to present information to or interact with
External Interacting Parties or where the enterprise is referred to, affecting the perception or brand of the enterprise.
Fabric Component 05 – External Data Sensors model
Sources of remote data measurements.
Fabric Component 06 – External Data Devices model
These are devices connected with services offered by the enterprise (such as ATMs and Kiosks).
Fabric Component 07 – Data Intake Gateway model
This is the set of facilities for handling data supplied to the enterprise including validation and transformation including a possible integration or service bus. This can be hosted internally or externally or a mix of both.
Fabric Component 08 – Line of Business Applications model
This represents the set of line of business applications deployed on enterprise owned and managed infrastructure used by business functions to operate their business processes.
Fabric Component 09 – Line of Business Applications hosted outside the organisation model
This represents the set of line of business applications deployed on external infrastructure used by business functions to operate their business processes This includes cloud facilities such as external data storage and XaaS facilities and an integration service to connect external data to internal data
Fabric Component 10 – Desktop Applications model
These are applications used by individual users to view and author documents.
Fabric Component 11 – Data Storage Platforms model
Operational Data Stores – These are the various operational data stores used by the Line of Business Applications. Unstructured Data Stores – This provides structured access to documents and information including externally hosted applications providing these facilities.
Fabric Component 12 – External Application Operational Data Stores model
These are the various operational data stores used by the Line of Business Applications used by Line of Business Applications Hosted Outside the Organisation.
Fabric Component 13 – Document Centric Applications model
- Doc Management Systems – These are systems used to manage transactional and ad-hoc structured and unstructured documents in a formal and controlled manner, including the metadata assigned to documents.
- Doc Sharing & Collaboration – These are tools used within the enterprise to share and collaborate on the authoring of documents.
- Document and Information Portal – This provides structured access to documents and information including externally hosted applications providing these facilities.
Fabric Component 14 – Cloud Extension to Data Mastering, Reporting and Analysis Facilities model
These are facilities to create and manage master data and data extracted from operational data to create a data warehouse and data extracts for reporting and analysis. This includes an extract, transformation and load facility These can be hosted internally or externally or a mix of both.
Fabric Component 15 – Data Reporting and Analysis Facilities model
This represents the set of facilities to extract operational data from business applications, create, store and manage reference and master data, create and store enduring data and analyse the data including reporting, visualisation, mining and modelling. These can be hosted internally or externally or a mix of both.
Fabric Component 16 – Data Mastering model
These are facilities to create and manage master data and data extracted from operational data to create a data warehouse and data extracts for reporting and analysis. This includes an extract, transformation and load facility These can be hosted internally or externally or a mix of both.
You are free to download the printable versions in .PDF form. We may have more discussion and refine these models. Of course we also welcome comments and recommendations for improving these models as well.
Data Fabric Architecture (High Level) PDF. (A3 or A2 size)
Data Fabric Architecture (More Detailed Level) PDF. (A1 or A0 size)